Have the Batteries on your McMurdo or Kannad EPIRB Expired?
Have the Batteries on your McMurdo or Kannad EPIRB Expired?
This page has been created to help you if you've looked at your EPIRB and realised that you are beyond the Battery Expiry Date that's printed on the back. The first thing to say is don't panic, and certainly don't throw it away! There are several options open to you.
A Relationship Spanning 2 Decades
A Relationship Spanning 2 Decades
Over the years we've clocked up a whole lot of product awareness and technical know how. Our close relationship with Seas Of Solutions remains steadfast and mutually trusted.
Spares Marine are Authorised Service Agents for the McMurdo Family of EPIRBs listed below, which also covers the Kannad branded units.